Commodity Import Report (CIR)
Edible Flowers (Inflorescence)
from Italy
into All Ports
The CIR contains current import regulation information for the selected Commodity Import (a specific commodity approved from a designated country, or region, into one or more designated ports).
A flag ( ) indicates information that is intended for and available to an APHIS/CBP audience only.
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Admissible Plant Parts:
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Admissible Ports:
All Ports
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No Permit Required
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Species-Specific Limitations:
Limited to Calendula spp. (pot marigold), Tagetes spp. (marigold), Tropaeolum spp. (nasturtium), and Viola spp. (johnny-jump-ups, pansies, and violets).
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Processing Requirement:
If stems or leaves are attached, PROHIBIT ENTRY.