Commodity Import Report (CIR)
Rambutan (Cluster of fruit; Fruit)
from El Salvador
into All Ports EXCEPT Guam, Hawaii, PR, and the USVI
The CIR contains current import regulation information for the selected Commodity Import (a specific commodity approved from a designated country, or region, into one or more designated ports).
A flag ( ) indicates information that is intended for and available to an APHIS/CBP audience only.
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Admissible Plant Parts:
Cluster of fruit, Fruit
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Admissible Ports:
All Ports EXCEPT Guam, Hawaii, PR, and the USVI
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Import Permit Required:
An Import Permit is required. To obtain a permit, go to APHIS eFile.
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Subject to Inspection:
This commodity is subject to inspection at the port of entry and all general requirements of 7 CFR 319.56-3.
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Phytosanitary Certificate:
Must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of the country of origin stating:
• The fruit is free of Coccus moestus, Dysmicoccus neovervipes, Planococcus lilacinus, and Pseudococcus landoi
• All damaged fruit was removed from the consignment prior to export under the supervision of the NPPO of the country of origin
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Packaging or Labeling Requirements:
Cartons in which the commodity is packed must be stamped: "'Not for importation into or distribution within Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii, or Guam".