Commodity Import Report (CIR)
Edible Flowers (Inflorescence)
from Gibraltar (United Kingdom)
into All Ports
The CIR contains current import regulation information for the selected Commodity Import (a specific commodity approved from a designated country, or region, into one or more designated ports).
A flag ( ) indicates information that is intended for and available to an APHIS/CBP audience only.
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Admissible Plant Parts:
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Admissible Ports:
All Ports
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No Permit Required
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Species-Specific Limitations:
Limited to Calendula spp. (pot marigold), Tagetes spp. (marigold), Tropaeolum spp. (nasturtium), and Viola spp. (johnny-jump-ups, pansies, and violets).
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Processing Requirement:
If stems or leaves are attached, PROHIBIT ENTRY.