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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service logo Fruits and Vegetables Import Requirements (FAVIR)
Effective October 1, 2022 the Fruits and Vegetables Import Requirements (FAVIR) database has been replaced by the Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements database at

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Commodity Import Report (CIR)

Mango (Fruit) from Pakistan into Continental U.S. Ports
The CIR contains current import regulation information for the selected Commodity Import (a specific commodity approved from a designated country, or region, into one or more designated ports). A flag ( Access Restricted to APHIS/CBP ) indicates information that is intended for and available to an APHIS/CBP audience only.
Mangifera indica Commodity Summary Guide Page Country Summary

Import Requirements
1 Admissible Plant Parts: Fruit
2 Admissible Ports: Continental U.S. Ports
3 Subject to Inspection: This commodity is subject to inspection at the port of entry and all general requirements of 7 CFR 319.56-3.
4 Commercial Consignments Only: Commercial consignments do not include fruits and vegetables presented for entry in hand-carried packages, passenger baggage, mail, overnight delivery service, or other small-package delivery service.
5 Phytosanitary Certificate: Ensure each consignment is inspected by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Pakistan prior to departure and accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the NPPO of Pakistan with an additional declaration stating the fruit in the consignment was subjected to a broad-spectrum fungicidal dip inspected and found free of Cytosphaera mangiferae, Neofusicoccum mangiferae, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae.
6 Port Restriction: Do not import or distribute into or within Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or any U.S. territory.
7 Condition of Entry Treatment: T105-a-2 (Irradiation) Irradiated upon arrival in the United States
  7.1 Import Permit Required: Must obtain an APHIS-PPQ Import Permit with Immediate Transportation (IT) Requirements. For more information on transiting safeguards, refer to the Guidelines for Immediate Transportation ( To obtain a permit, go to APHIS eFile.
  7.2 Condition of Entry Treatment: Arrangements must be made in advance with an APHIS-PPQ Certified Treatment Facility to ensure each of your consignments receives the appropriate treatment
  7.3 Packaging or Labeling Requirements: Articles must be packed in packaging preapproved by APHIS. All openings in the packages must be covered by material with holes no greater than 0.8 mm at the widest point. This is equivalent to a mesh size of no greater than 0.6 mm x 0.6 mm.
  7.4 Sample Pallet: For consignments containing more than four pallets, the importer is responsible for ensuring a sample pallet accompanies the consignment destined to the USA and that it contains a representative sample of the consignment. Failure to include a sample pallet will result in the immediate reexportation of the consignment.

A sample pallet must accompany each shipment to facilitate the port of entry inspection:
  • Prior to departure from the country of origin, a sample of the cartons representing the consignment must be selected. All orchards and lots must be represented in the sample pallet. The sample pallet must represent 2% of the consignment
  • The pallet must be netted or wrapped
  • The sample must be clearly marked “Sample Pallet” for port of entry inspection
Port of entry inspection results will determine if the consignment can be released to the irradiation facility under APHIS-PPQ supervision:

Reexportation of the consignment will result if:
  • A designated sample pallet is not present
  • The consignment is not properly labeled or configured
  • A finding of nontarget pest(s) not mitigated by treatment
  7.5 Compliance Agreement Required: Prior to applying for an import permit, you must obtain an USDA-APHIS-PPQ Importer Compliance Agreement for irradiation treatment conducted in the United States. Once you have signed the Importer Compliance Agreement, it will be valid, certifying you will meet all regulatory requirements and conditions. For more information on obtaining an Importer Compliance Agreement, refer to the Steps for Importing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Irradiation Treatment in the United States (
8 Condition of Entry Treatment: T105-a-2 (Irradiation) Irradiated in country of origin
  8.1 Import Permit Required: The preclearance program for this commodity is not operational. Therefore, import permits will not be issued.
  8.2 Preclearance Program: Mandatory Preclearance: Consignments must be precleared. To validate foreign site preclearance inspection and/or treatment, precleared consignments must be accompanied by a signed PPQ Form 203.
  8.3 Packaging or Labeling Requirements: Commodities irradiated in the country of origin must meet the following labeling and packaging requirements:

Boxes or cartons must be marked with:

  • Production Unit Code (PUC)
  • Treatment Facility Code (TFC)
  • Packinghouse Code (PHC)
  • Packing date
  • Lot number
  • A stamp with the words "Treated by irradiation" or "Treated with radiation"
  • The international radura symbol

If the boxes or cartons are not palletized, they must also include:

  • Treatment Facility Code (TFC)
  • Treatment Identification Number (TIN)
  • Treatment date

If the boxes or cartons are palletized, the pallets need to display only:

  • Treatment Facility Code (TFC)
  • Treatment Identification Number (TIN)
  • Treatment date

The palletized boxes or cartons must be wrapped with polyethylene shrink wrap, net wrapping, or strapping (excluding air shipments.) If air shipments are not palletized, cartons must be pest proof, and the shipment can be broken down into smaller shipping units, such as LD-3 air cargo containers.

9 Reference Information: To be treated in accordance with the Plant Protection and Quarantine Treatment Manual (
Instructions for Officers
10 Refer to the inspection procedures for Clearance of Articles Approved for Irradiation in the United States ( restricted image
11 If the consignment was irradiated, refer to the Special Procedures for Precleared Irradiated Fruits and Vegetables ( restricted image
Commodity Information
12 For additional commodity information and images, visit  
Page ID: CIRReportP
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